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Rating and reviewing podcasts and episodes
Rating and reviewing podcasts and episodes

How do I give ratings and reviews to my favorite podcasts or episodes in Podchaser?

Phaea Galicaea avatar
Written by Phaea Galicaea
Updated over a week ago

Podchaser's rating and reviews make it a powerful discovery platform for podcasts. Every rating and review contributes to our recommendation algorithm so others can discover quality content.
You can add ratings and reviews to a podcast or episodes of a podcast.


How to rate and review a podcast

  1. Click the Rate button or Podchaser stars on any podcast or episode page.

2. In the modal, click the stars to leave your rating (1-5). Then type your review into the text box below.

3. Select the Tags tab in the lower-left corner. Type a few unique tags that will help others find this episode. Then click Save.

4. Once you submit your rating and review, it will immediately display on the podcast or episode page.

Share your review

You can share your thoughts with the world by clicking the Share button on your review.

Click to share your review directly to your Facebook, Twitter, or Reddit account. You can also copy the link to share it elsewhere.

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