Missing something?
If you're having trouble finding your podcast's latest episode, your podcast isn't updating, or one of your episodes is missing, we can help!
Our system automatically adds new episodes from podcasts, usually just after they're released, but to avoid overloading podcast host servers we try not to check for new episodes too often, and usually focus our checking around when we believe they've brought out a new episode.
If a podcast brings out an episode out of the blue or at a different interval to usual, we might not get to it straight away. In that case, you can let us know and we'll make sure it's added quickly.
Here are some steps you can take to get this resolved:
Refreshing the feed
You can use the Refresh Feed button to check for any new content. It's located on the bottom right corner of the page.
After you click the button, it may take an hour or so for the feed to finish updating.
Contacting the team
If your podcast isn't updated after 24 hours after refreshing the feed, you can contact our support team at [email protected].