Podchaser's Power Score is a unique measurement of a podcast's influence calculated based on predictors such as the number of listeners per episode, episodes released, subscriber and follower count, social media engagement, and directional change within these metrics. This proprietary score provides insights that help creators and advertisers determine the popularity and interaction rates of a podcast, providing useful information essential for media buying and guest appearance planning.
Key Metrics:
Monthly Reach shows the estimated number of unique listens of a podcast's episodes within the last 30 days.
Episode Reach shows the estimated number of listeners a new episode is likely to attract within its first 30 days.
How does a Power Score compare to Reach?
Together, Power Score and reach indicators provide a more complete picture of a podcast’s performance. While Power Score provides a general snapshot of a podcast's influence, reach estimates provide accurate listener metrics.
Power Score and Expected Reach Estimate Range
This general estimate provides insight into how Power Score relates to reach:
10-30 Power Score: Reach in the hundreds
30-60 Power Score: Reach between 1,000 to 10,000
60-70 Power Score: Reach between 10,000 to 100,000
70-80 Power Score: Reach between 100,000 to 500,000
80+ Power Score: Reach exceeding 500,000
Related articles:
Demographics and Reach
Understanding Monthly Reach and Episode Reach on Podchaser
Calculating and improving the Power Score for a podcast
Have more questions?
For any questions or concerns, please feel free to reach out to us at [email protected]!