Click here to watch Jonathan Dispenza explain all you need to know about Podchaser Power Scores.
What is a Power Score?
The Power Score is Podchaser's unique measurement of a podcasts influence.
How does a Power Score work?
Power Scores are factored using more than 30 data points, including audience size, social influence, and more.
What information does a Power Score use?
Power Score is calculated using metrics like monthly reach estimate, episode cadence, social influence (connected social handles), reviews, and subscriber count to determine a show’s overall impact for reach and advertising sales.
What does a Power Score show me?
Power Score is designed to help you get insight into a variety of ‘behind the scenes’ metrics and calculate the potential impact of a guest or ad placement at a quick glance.
How does a Power Score compare to Reach?
Reach estimates are included in a Power Score calculation, but while reach is a monthly estimate of a podcast’s distribution -- Power Score can be influenced by other numbers such as subscriber count for a more ‘guaranteed distribution.’
A common comparison could be your social media handle -- you have 100,000 followers on Instagram (this would be your reach) but Power Score also looks at your average like count, and post engagement.
Power Score and Expected Reach Estimate Range
This is a general estimate that can guide you to interpret the power score.
10-30 Power Score, Reach in the hundreds
30-60, Reach in the 1 to 10 thousand range
60-70, Reach in the 10 to 100 thousand range
70-80, Reach in the 100 to 500 thousand range
80+ Power Score, Reach in the 500 thousand+ range