Bookmarking a podcast or episode helps you find it again later. Once you've bookmarked a podcast or episode, it will be added to your Bookmarks section.
You can also export your bookmarks to an app.
Bookmarking a podcast
Click the Bookmark icon on the right side of the podcast page.
βNow you can access the podcast anytime when you click your account image (top right corner) hover to My Activity then select Bookmarks.
You may need to click and toggle the button on the left side from Episodes to Podcasts.
Any podcasts you've bookmarked will be listed here.
Bookmarking an episode
Click the Bookmark icon on the right side of the episode page.
βNow you can access the podcast anytime when you click your account image (top right corner) hover to My Activity then select Bookmarks.
You may need to click and toggle the button on the left side from Podcasts to Episodes.
Any episodes you've bookmarked will be listed here.
Tip: You can also simply click the Bookmark icon to easily save a podcast or an episode.