What is Reviews4Good?

How can rating podcasts donate money to charity?

Phaea Galicaea avatar
Written by Phaea Galicaea
Updated over a week ago

Reviews4Good is Podchaser’s annual charity drive in the month of April. For every review of a podcast or podcast episode in April, we’ll donate 25 cents to World Central Kitchen to feed refugees. In addition, every time a podcaster replies to a listener’s review in April, we’ll donate another 25 cents.

How do I leave a review?

We have instructions right here!

I'm a podcaster. How can I reply to a review?

It's easy--just follow these steps!

How many reviews can I leave?

As many as you want! Just make sure they're over 20 characters in length to qualify.

How much is Podchaser donating?

We’re donating 25 cents for every podcast or episode review and an additional 25 cents every time a podcaster replies to a review left on their show.

Does rating a podcast contribute to the charitable donation?

Only written reviews of podcasts and episodes count towards charitable donations. Rating a podcast or episode on a 5-star scale does not.

Why do you require a minimum character length for reviews?

Twenty characters is not a significant amount, and a length requirement helps limit one-word and emoji reviews, which are generally unhelpful for podcasts and listeners alike. Podcasters love to hear what people think of their show, so we want each review to be insightful for other listeners as well as for podcasters!

Why don't you just donate to the charity without making people leave reviews?

Let us assure you that we’re going to donate no matter what. It’s the right thing to do, but this initiative is also a way to support our community. Our goal for #Reviews4Good is to raise money for a great cause while simultaneously shedding some light on some great shows. We think this is a win-win across the board.

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