All claimed? Excellent! Your podcast should have a green claimed check next to the title that lets everyone know you're the owner of the show.
Now for the fun part. Check out these links below to access Podchaser's tools to promote your show.
A tour of Podchaser's features that help you manage and promote your podcast
Every creator profile you add makes your podcast more discoverable, so be sure to include yourself and any other hosts, guests, editors, voice actors, producers, etc who contributed to your show.
Verify your identity to take over management of a creator profile built by another user. All creator profiles use information from the public domain.
Connect to your company website, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, YouTube, LinkedIn and more to help build a podcasting community with your listeners.
Edit, add, and create custom categories to help listeners find your show in search.
Show your listeners some appreciation by replying to their reviews! The most effective way to grow your audience is to just ask your listeners to review/rate your show on Podchaser! Once you claim your podcast, you can respond to their reviews to build up a rapport with your community.
Make it easy for your listeners to find and review your podcast on Podchaser.
Make a list with content you know your listeners will love. You can even add your own show to promote it. Lists can be shared on social media.
Promote your show by selling custom merchandise through TeePublic.
Show off your latest glowing review on your website and link your listeners back to Podchaser.